Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

30 June 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Could they look any more alike?

We've got season passes... the Botanical Gardens! Addison really enjoyed the gardens, the butterflies, and the sprinklers, so we decided to get a membership! But, boy is it hot out there! We went with our neighbors and buddies, Ava and Tucker. The three of them crack me up!

12 June 2009

Oh the things a toddler will say...

Addison pretty much keeps me laughing non-stop lately. I'm calling Jae constantly to tell him the funny things that she says. They're so funny I thought I should share a few with you...

Last weekend she was sleeping with Jackson and the light was off...
Addison: "Jackson...I can't see your eyes!"
Jackson: "they're right here Addie...the marbles in my head."

She was being a typical 2 year old before her nap the other day,
Mommy: " you have an attitude with me?"
Addison" "I have no attitude...I yelling!"

I was really tired one night...
Addison: "Mommy...whats wrong?"
Mommy: "I'm just really tired, Addie"
Addison: "Oh, okay. You go on night-night"
Mommy: "Oh really Addie?"
Addison: "Yeppy, I take care of my brother"

Addison got some gummy bug candy from the Botanical Gardens and was playing with them, after she ate one of them...
Mommy: "Addie those aren't toys, its it."
Addison: "No Mommy, I'm helping her talk."
Mommy: "the bug?"
Addison: "Yeppy." (then in a really high-pitched voice) "Oh no, no, it's okay miss your mommy? Its okay, she's in my belly"

And, last but not least, she was playing with her toy phone, and it "rings"
Addison: In a really prissy grown up voice says "Hello? Oh, yep, I got my big car back today. Uh-huh. Oh, brother's crying, he's silly. I can't deal with it. Okay, I call you back yater"

She is ABSOLUTELY crazy!!!!!!!!!! I love it!

11 June 2009

A trip to Rucker...

Addison, Quenton and I drove down to Ft. Rucker the wednesday after Memorial Day to visit with Gamma, Boss, Uncle Bill, and soon-to-be Aunt Angela (they just got engaged!!!!!!! Yeah!) Mary Margaret, Justin, Lily Kate and Jackson came down the next day, and we spent a lot of fun time playing outside, getting spoiled by Gamma and Boss, and even had a birthday part for Lily Kate. Daddy joined us on Friday with the dog, and we all had so much fun! Boss also took the older two grandbabies to Toys'R'Us for a shopping spree. I'm sure they were in HOG HEAVEN! Addison walked out with a Dyson vaccuum cleaner, and sand and water play table, a giant bouncy ball a keyboard with microphone, marbles, a handful of animal figurines, and goodness knows what else!!! Thank you Boss!!!!!

Here's a little bit of the fun, and the birthday party!

Memorial Day fun

Well, we love ANY reason to be patriotic, so Jae and I got Addison some sparklers, and pop beans, and had a cookout with our favorite neighbors for Memorial Day! Jae had is 5k that morning, so we relaxed for the early part of the afternoon, and then headed next door...they had a blast!

One of the pictures is Addison's "sad face" after she got done crying...she touched the end of the sparkler a little too soon after it went out.

10 June 2009

Lots and lots of pictures...

Okay, there is a new post below our Wordless Wednesday, and there are many more to come over the next few days, so keep checking back.

Wordless Wednesday

Playtime with friends

Addison's classmates from Mother's Morning Out are having playdates twice a month, so we hosted the first one, and Addison had SO much fun!!! So, we had seven classmates, two older siblings, 7 mothers, and 2 babies at our house that day! These kids are so sweet...

And, yes...I've decided that Quenton and Evie are going to be perfect for eachother! (Just kidding) What's great is Addison and Natalie are only a month apart, and Quenton and Evie are 6 days apart!

03 June 2009

Sorry for the early excitement on 4th of July...we all know I'm a little patriotic, and I want to get as much wear out of the red, white and blue as I can!!!!

Wordless Wednesday...kinda

III, IV, and V

2 parents, 6 kids, 4 grandkids, and 5 dogs...

01 June 2009


I'm sorry we have been on hiatus for so long...I left my camera at my parent's house at the beginning of May, and I didn't want it to get messed up in the mail, so we just recently got it back...and ever since then...we haven't there will be MANY, MANY pictures over the next few days!

Cotton Row 5k

Jae ran a 5k on Memorial Day called the Cotton Row, in downtown Hunstville. We've decided it will be an annual family event. YES, that means that I, too will be running next year. They also have a 1 mile fun run for children that Addison has said she wants to do next year. Jae did great, especially considering he was feeling terrible from some 24 hour bug...

We are going this afternoon to buy his birthday/father's day/anniversary present (a little early) is a road bike for him to start doing triathalons with. He is super excited, and I am VERY proud of him for training and working so hard!

P.S. He also pointed out to me that that is not all sweat on his shirt...he poured water over his head half way through...
Daisypath Anniversary tickers