Okay, we went to have our 4-D Ultrasound today, at 29 1/2 weeks. This was about a week earlier than I went with Addison, but I think Jae had a lot of fun because he wasn't here to experience Addison's. He is doing wonderful, heartrate of 160, and moving like a maniac. He was more cooperative than Addison, but we still had a hard time keeping him still long enough to get a few good pictures of his little face. I, personally, don't think he looks like Addison, but we'll see. I'll try to get a copy of her 4-D on here soon, so you can judge for yourself. As his due date is growing closer, we are getting more and more excited and more anxious, too! We had the technician check to make sure that the last ultrasound was right...and he is DEFINITELY a boy. No hiding that! I'm sorry that there are so many pictures...I had 61 to choose from...so it was kind of hard! There is one showing his "stuff", a bunch of his face, yawning, and his hand holding onto his foot.

1 comment:
What a sweet little angel! Congratulations!!
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