So, at Addison's 3 year well-check, the pediatrician informed us that her eye check results showed she was a little far-sighted in one eye. He recommended that she see an eye doctor. So, we went the following week, and they confirmed the pediatricians diagnosis, and decided we should wait about 3 months and re-check before putting her in glasses.
We headed to a new eye doctor today...and he literally told us the EXACT same thing. All children are supposed to be a little far-sighted, and it begins to correct itself as they get older. Addison, however, is twice as far-sighted in her right eye as she is in her left. This is a problem...they don't want one eye to work too hard to see, especially during these crucial years of brain development. So...he told her she had to wear glasses.
She is SUPER excited! I, on the other hand, am worried. Kids can be mean. But, my little girl is tough! She will be fine. And she is absolutely ADORABLE in them.
She was able to pick them out ALL by HERSELF. Literally NO help from me. I wanted to direct her which way to go...but refrained considering she will be the one wearing them day in and day out. She has to wear them at all times, unless she is at gymnastics or dance. She may grow out of them eventually, and she may not...we'll see. is a look at my sweet baby and her new glasses. These are the they have stickers on them. And, no...she's not frowning in the pictures...she had just had her pupils dilated, and we were standing next to a window, so she was having to squint.
Look how cute the sides are!!! She did a good job picking them out!!!
she will be adorable in them. One more thing to keep up with huh?
She looks so studious! Great job picking them out!
Don't worry about kids being mean these days. When I was teaching 3rd and 4th grade, half the kids in my class with glasses didn't even NEED them. They were simply an accessory...a fashion statement! It was cool=) Plus, I think Addison would look cute in just about anything.
Oh how cute! They make such fun glasses for kids now. I'm sure she will have to have a new pair for each outfit.
That little girl is TOO MUCH! Love her fashion sense! And good on you mom for letting her choose. Don't you worry a thing about Addison. She looks great!
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