Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

06 May 2010

The newest addition(s)...

About 3 weeks ago, I noticed a sweet little Momma Robin beginning her nest in our awning of our front porch. I quickly told Jae to take all of the grass, sticks, etc out of the awning. Last year, we had the exact same situation...and it only led to bird poop ALL over the front porch. Unfortunately, we did not catch her nest in time. Two days later, she had begun her little family in the nest...

Addison has taken a SERIOUS interest in this little Momma bird, and her she had me climbing the ladder every day to check on them. The eggs began hatching last Sunday, only two to begin with.

Then, the other two hatched, making four baby birds in that tiny nest! Addison quickly named them all...Tinkerbell, Bubbles, Pumpkin, and Easter Bunny. Hilarious. Anyways, these are the babies and their Momma on Tuesday...

Their eyes are still covered by their thin transparent skin, they are slowly getting little fluffy feathers, and have yet to all.

As of today, the babies are moving, and we can barely see their little beaks sticking out above the nest (unless I climb up the ladder!) Their eyes are still covered, but you can see a tiny slit where their eyelids will open, and they are beginning to get the hard feathers that cover their wings.

It is absolutely AMAZING what 5 days has done for these little guys!!! And I though OUR babies grew too fast!

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers