Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

17 August 2010

Quack goes the duckie...

Today was Quenton's first day of Mother's Morning Out at Addison's school. He is in the "Duck Class", with other 18-23 month olds. His best friend, Evie, is in his class, too! He was happy as I was leaving his room, he even waved bye-bye to me! I was shocked. The sad part was convincing Addison to walk away from the baby gate and go to her class. She has been adament about walking him in all by herself. I watched Quenton on the video monitors up front, and Quenton was playing well.

When I went back to pick him up, he was being rocked in a chair by one of his teachers...because he was crying. I wasn't surprised. He usually has a cat-nap sometime in the morning for about 20 minutes, and they don't nap at MMO, so I knew he would be exhausted. When he saw me standing there, he burst into even more tears. His teacher said he did really well, all day, until right at the end. It seemed most of the children in the class were winding down, and approaching their breaking points, so, in a way...that made me feel better. I am hoping he will be VERY happy in his class!

All dressed up and ready to go to school! Addison was in heaven because she was matching her brother!

Big sister helping her "baby brudder" in to his first day of school...

Happy babies on the way home...

1 comment:

The Tooles said...

I love all your candid "unposed" pictures=) Your kids are so photogenic. Glad they are enjoying school.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers