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27 January 2009

Gone Fishin'

Jae took Addison to Gander Mountain (an outdoors store) the other day to find something for the two of them to do that was special. That way she has something that is just her and Daddy's after the baby gets here. She picked out a princess fishing pole and pick tackle box, which she has not put down since she got it. She fishes up and down the hallway in the house non-stop. She is just so funny now...trying to be a big girl and talk like a big girl. I keep looking at her and saying "Addison, when did you get so big?" And, she says "last night". My sweet little girl, or big girl, I guess.


Erin Duvall said...

Sierra that is so cute! I love how she tells Jae that she is catchin a butterfly and not a fish. Just like a girl we gotta make everything sweet. I love love love your prego pics. I still haven't ordered mine from when Ava was in my belly. So by the way we have a blog now as well:
So check it out when you can. Addie so super cute.

Jerome, Laura, Peyton and Max said...

OH MY GOSH SIERRA I LOVE HER! So cute! :) Peyton and her daddy fish too. She's graduated to a Barbie fishing pole but we had the same princess one. :) So sweet!

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