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17 July 2012

The produce aisle...

Is now in MY backyard! Addison decided that she wanted to grow some vegetables after watching our neighbor grow and harvest his own tomatoes and strawberries. So, we gave in and decided to build our own garden in the backyard. After a LOT of sweat, and hard work from Jae and I, we have a great little garden! (where were the kids that wanted the garden when it was time for the hard work?) We have canteloupe, zucchini, cucumber, red peppers, green peppers, banana peppers, mint, basil, cherry tomatoes, and two other types of tomatoes! It is growing so well, that we had to make the garden plot larger! For those of you thinking of trying this...just know that zucchini, canteloupe, and cucumbers grow HUGE!!!! I'll post pictures as we start to harvest them! So excited!!!!
And...our oriental lillies and hibiscus tree are blooming perfectly, too!!! Love it!

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