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29 December 2008

What are the Holidays without a Gingerbread House?

Addison picked out a gingerbread house kit from Wal-Mart right before Thanksgiving...and she was finally able to build her own house about a week and half before Christmas! She was SOOOO excited, and really didn't want any help from us, even though she definitely needed it! She allowed me to put the actual house together, but wanted to do the gingerbread men, the tree, and all the decorating ALL by herself! She was SO proud of herself! I would ask her where she was going to put a piece of candy, and she'd say..."hmmm...let's see". She is absolutely hilarious!

1 comment:

Scott and Katie said...

Does your child own pants? She is too cute. Rileigh has a paci too...we haven't jumped that hurdle yet. Happy New Year

Daisypath Anniversary tickers